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Our First Microgrid Project

Norwich Solar was pleased to announce securing the Certificate of Public Good (CPG) from the Vermont Public Utility Commission in January 2024 for its Rochester Brandon Mountain Resiliency Zone 1,000kW solar array / 2,000kW battery energy storage microgrid project. Rochester Brandon Mountain Solar LLC is a Limited Liability Company managed by Norwich Technologies, Inc.

Norwich Solar was awarded the project through Green Mountain Power (GMP) request for proposal process to design and build the new Resiliency Zone project. Norwich Solar partnered with  North Hollow Farm who specializes in 100% grass fed, naturally raised beef to host the project. Norwich Solar will install the solar array designed to enable the cows to graze under and around the panels so that agricultural uses on the property are supported. The battery storage system will be located adjacent to the solar array.

Martha Staskus, Chief Development Officer for Norwich Solar, said, “Working with North Hollow Farm and Green Mountain Power to bring this resiliency project to the community and operate as a microgrid is a critical step forward for Rochester and Vermont to continue to prepare for the flooding events that are becoming more frequent. Through a long-term agreement with GMP, the project brings local, renewable, electricity generation for Rochester village and is enhanced by the battery storage to help prevent outages and/or recover from them more rapidly.”

The microgrid will have switching and controls that enable GMP to draw power from the batteries during periods of peak power demand and offset the utility’s need to operate or purchase more costly energy sources generated from fossil fuels. It also supports the Rochester Town Plan to meet and exceed their greenhouse gas reduction goals. 

Rochester Energy Coordinator, Jeffrey L. Gephart commented that,  “Rochester, has borne the brunt of extreme weather amplified by global warming. In 2011, the town was cut off in every direction, making our small town the poster child of the damage caused by Tropical Storm Irene. In the spring of 2021, members of the Valley Energy & Climate Action Committee learned about the Green Mountain Power (GMP) Resiliency Zone pilot in Panton, Vermont and contacted GMP. We were pleased that GMP selected Rochester as another community to pilot this Resiliency Zone.”

Kevin Davis, VP of Sales for Norwich Solar adds; “The Rochester Brandon Mountain Solar/Battery project is a true win-win-win (environmental, social and economic) solution and will be a valuable resource that can complement Vermont’s growing renewable energy portfolio, help to prevent extended duration outages, and set an effective model for future Vermont-style microgrids and dual-use energy/agriculture solutions.  We’re excited to work with the Town of Rochester and with Green Mountain Power on this cutting-edge microgrid project.”


  • Type of System: Ground
  • System Capacity: 1,00 Kilowatts AC, with 2,000 kW Battery Storage On Site
  • Location: Rochester, Vermont